Creation of XML Files From Excel

excel to xml

We created Excel tool that generates XML files from combining a constant part with values from Excel. These files are invoices for Amazon.

07.12.2019, Goran Dolenc
Categories: Excel VBA XML
Tags: Conversion Creation Excel VBA XML

A client from Italy has reached us for the following job:

Objective: generate a simple program that generates XML files from combining a constant part with values from Excel. These files are invoices for Amazon.

Process: if you think you have the right experience, please read the ToR carefully. Please contact me with an offer of what fee you would like to generate the xml for me from a similar Excel file.

A) First Part of xml

B) Rest of xml - items ordered (DettaglioLinee)

C) Please try to recreate XML and send it to me to check with you offer of the fee you would need to generate additional XML files for me from the complete Excel.

This is how the Excel file was structured:

And this is print-screen from the Windows Explorer, where you can see files generated: